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Personal Information Protection Policy

◇ About personal information

When the customer uses BIO-SAKURA SHOP (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), the customer’s name, e-mail address, address for delivery, telephone number and, if a credit card will be used for the payment method, the credit card number and expiration date will be necessary. This information will also be necessary when the customer makes an order and when content is confirmed for shipping the order. When an inquiry is made by e-mail as well, the customer’s personal information, excluding information related to payment, will be necessary in order to reply to the inquiry.


◇ About purposes of use of personal information

Information that has been collected on the Site will not be used by parties other than contractors that conclude a confidentiality agreement and conduct work for the Site. On the Site, information that is shared with the customer is managed based on strict security, and that information will be used to support the relationship with the customer and to make the customer’s shopping experience more satisfying for the customer. In the event that a request has been made by a national government organization or based on a law or ordinance, or based on the perspectives of the Site’s rights and property and customer protection, personal information may be disclosed.

◇ About information disclosure

Excluding the cases below, the Company will not disclose to third parties the personal information that has been registered by the customer. 

(1) Cases in which the customer’s agreement has been obtained

(2) Cases in which, for the purpose of providing service to the customer, disclosure will be made to a third party (work contractor and others) that has been imposed with the same obligation of  managing personal information as the obligation of this policy 

(3) Cases in which statistical data that was obtained through tallying or analysis will be disclosed in a state in which individuals cannot be identified to a third party, such as a business partner

(4) Cases in which disclosure has been requested based on a law or ordinance

(5) Cases in which disclosure has been requested by a court, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the police, a bar association, a consumer center, or an organization with equivalent authority 

(6) Cases in which it is necessary in order to protect a person’s life, body, or property and there is a necessity for urgency 

(7) Other cases in which the Company has rationally judged that it is necessary in order to provide service to the customer

◇ About security

On the Site, we use SSL (an encrypted communication technology) in order to protect information that has been registered by customers.

◇ About revision of this policy

The Site’s Privacy Policy may be changed because of a reason, such as addition of this service’s functions.


◇ About the scope of application of this policy

The Site’s Privacy Policy will be applied when the customer is using this service. Third-party companies’ sites that can be accessed through the Company and work contractors have their own individual privacy policies, and the Company cannot bear any liability whatsoever for the activities of such third-party companies.


◇ About the customer’s agreement

When the customer uses the Site, it will be deemed that the customer agreed to the policy for information collection within the scope of the content that discusses personal information protection on the Site. If the Company’s policy for personal information collection or method of handling personal information will be changed, public notification will be made on the Site.

​◇ Matters for caution

Please pay attention to that fact that, if you have voluntarily disclosed personal information, there is a possibility that such information will be collected and used by other users. If you disclose personal information online, where it can be accessed by anyone, you may receive unwanted messages from other people. Please be sufficiently careful about handling information when you are connected online.


◇ Disclaimer clauses

(1) GS Alliance Co., Ltd., which is the operator of the Site, makes sufficient efforts to post accurate information, but it does not make any guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or safety of that information. In addition, even in the event that any type of result occurs because of a judgment that the user made or an action that the user conducted based on posted information, GS Alliance Co., Ltd., which is the operator of the Site, shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

(2) Even in the event that the user or a third party has incurred any type of damage because of use of the Site, GS Alliance Co., Ltd., which is the operator of the Site, shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage compensation.

◇ Information for making inquiries

If you would like further clarification about the ways of thinking about personal information that are indicated here, please make an inquiry by e-mail by using the Site’s CONTACT page.


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